Blakely is 2 months! Well actually, she is now 2 1/2 months but I am just now blogging about it. :)
At 2 months Blakely is...
~ sleeping through the nights now. She will take her last bottle at about 9pm or 10pm and not wake up again until about 6am. I am loving it!
~ She gives us a big bug eyed look when we try to make her smile.
~ She smiles & coo's at her own convienence.... which is more frequent now.
~ She hates tummy time... HATES it!
~ She is now sitting in her bumbo chair, even though she is still a little too bobble headed for it.
~ She has completely outgrown her newborn clothes and even some 0-3 month clothes.
~ She will copy you if you stick your tongue out at her
~ Her least favorite time of the day is when she first wakes up in the morning or after a nap.
~ She is not a morning person. When I have to wake her up to get her ready she is very grumpy. She lays in her crib and groans / stretches for about 10 minutes. (I have a feeling this will be a problem when she starts school)
~ Her most alert & happy time is right after she eats.
~ She is now 12lbs 1 oz, 23 inches long
~ She cried for about 2 seconds when she got her shots then fell right back to sleep before they even finished putting her bandaids on.
~ She still loves to be sung too and held.
~ She loves her swing
~ When she is sleepy she starts kicking and punching the air, once we hold her down or hold her tight she will fall asleep.
~ Her favorite people this month are Nonnie & Uncle Scott. (besides her parents)

I can't wait to get my hands on her!!!! These pictures are precious. I can't believe how big she is getting. Enjoy each moment they grow up so fast. Give her kisses from Tia JuJu and tell her I will be there Thursday!!! :)
I LOVE the first picture! She is so stinkin' cute!
Wow, still sleeping through the night. Im jealous. Bry still wakes up. But now that she is on all bottles maybe that will change :)
Its crazy she doesnt like mornings...opposite of Brylee. Its funny how different babies are.
Cant wait to see you guys, hopefully soon. Love the green!!
Ah she looks so adorable! Can you believe it's already been two months??
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