Things have been busy at our house lately since Milo has been sick, so I havent posted pictures of Miss Blakely's first big girl bath. Her umbilical cord fell off last Thursday so we were able to put her in her tub instead of giving her sponge baths. Blakely didnt like her first bath in the tub. I think she was unsure of it, and she was cranky at the time. Now that she has had a few days of bathing, I think she is starting to enjoy it.
She looks so big!!! I can't wait to see her.
Karen - she is so dang cute. :)
She's so cute! I'm sure eventually she'll realize how wonderful baths are and start relishing them. I love her hair, it's so cute! I can't believe I'm having a girl too! Now I have a lot of cute clothes and big bows to look forward to! yay!
How adorable! In some pics she really really looks like Milo. I like seeing her hair all wild. (yes - I'm a little late catching up on your blog! After I catch up - I'm going to learn how to use my Cricut!) Hugzzz!
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