Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ouch... what was that?!

I had my 35 week doctor visit today.  The visit itself was pretty uneventful, except for the lady in the restroom that was throwing up all over the place.  Luckily I wasn't feeling nauseous so the site and smell didn't bother me too bad for some reason.  If I would have been in my first trimester and saw that I would have thrown up along with her.  I asked her if she needed any water and she declined... poor lady.  I wonder how many pregnant girls went in after me and got sick themselves.  *ick* No cervical check today, she doesn't want to provoke anything so she is going to wait till my next visit to start doing them weekly.  One of the sonographers in the office was out having surgery so they were backed up, otherwise she wanted to do an ultrasound on me. We scheduled one for my next visit.  My doctor thinks the baby is "rather large" so they want to monitor how big she is getting with a sonogram.  When I went to schedule my appt for next week they were booked, so I'm not going back until December 24th.  After that I have an appt scheduled for December 31st.  We are going to wait to schedule any more appointments after that.  I told the scheduling lady very confidently that I didn't need to schedule any after December 31st because I think I will have had the baby before a visit after that is needed. :)  She giggled and said we will wait to see before we schedule anymore visits then.  I'm sure she thinks I'm crazy.  
After the doctor visit Milo and I went to the 2nd floor of the hospital for a tour of the labor and delivery wing.  We found out where to check in, where the labor rooms, nursery, postpartum rooms, and family waiting room were.  I feel better knowing where I need to go now. 
After the tour Milo and I went to my brother in-law, Casey's, Smoothie King that he owns down the street.  While I was there I started feeling a very heavy pressure (down there) and a pain in my right abdomen and lower back.  After it took my breath away I told Milo I thought I might be in labor.  The pain wasn't going away and seemed to be pretty intense so I got some water and decided to call the on call doctor to ask some questions.  The on-call doctor thought Blakely might be positioned weird and hitting a nerve or it could be contractions.  He did say that my entire abdomen would tighten if it was a contraction and would become regular.  Milo and I decided to stay in the Fort Worth area for a bit longer, since the hospital is about 35 + minutes from my house... just to wait and see if anything progressed.  The pains didn't fully subside until we finally just drove home and I laid down. right now I seem to feel ok.  What I was feeling felt different from the braxton hicks contractions I get, but it also felt different then when she is on my nerve that shoots pains down my leg.   I'm still not sure what I was feeling... I just know that she is still in my belly and I'm not in a hospital bed anywhere.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, my friend bought the tub for us from Babies R us. It is acutally a spa tub...makes bubbles and all that. Its nice...