I feel like I have been complaining a lot on this blog about the negative effects this pregnancy has had on me.... just when I think I need to grin and bear it something else adds fuel to my 'pregnancy hates me fire'.
New case in point...... PUPPS! (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy)
I started feeling itchy this past week and it has gotten progressively worse, to the point I am up at night itching myself with no relief. (on my tummy, legs, back, arms etc.) Today I was so uncomfortable & itching away when I noticed the texture of my skin was bumpy. Sure enough, I look down my legs and I now have a rash. The rash is slowly expanding down my legs, onto my back and is also on my tummy. I get NO RELIEF from the itching, it is truly miserable and undescribeable to be itching from head to toe. Milo went to the store and bought me some Aveeno bath Oatmeal packets. I have taken 2 baths so far. My mom bought me some lotion that is supposed to ease the itching, and I also took 2 benadryl tonight (to help me sleep... which obviously isnt working). The rash doesnt go away until I give birth and effects a small percentage of first time moms.
I think all the terrorists in the world should be afflicted with PUPPS and have their hands tied down so they cant itch.... it's truly that miserable.
New case in point...... PUPPS! (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy)
I started feeling itchy this past week and it has gotten progressively worse, to the point I am up at night itching myself with no relief. (on my tummy, legs, back, arms etc.) Today I was so uncomfortable & itching away when I noticed the texture of my skin was bumpy. Sure enough, I look down my legs and I now have a rash. The rash is slowly expanding down my legs, onto my back and is also on my tummy. I get NO RELIEF from the itching, it is truly miserable and undescribeable to be itching from head to toe. Milo went to the store and bought me some Aveeno bath Oatmeal packets. I have taken 2 baths so far. My mom bought me some lotion that is supposed to ease the itching, and I also took 2 benadryl tonight (to help me sleep... which obviously isnt working). The rash doesnt go away until I give birth and effects a small percentage of first time moms.
I think all the terrorists in the world should be afflicted with PUPPS and have their hands tied down so they cant itch.... it's truly that miserable.
that sounds really miserable!! I'm sorry you're having to go through that. I hope I don't...I've been having a lot of bloating lately. Everything I eat gives me gas!!!
We should get together this week or next week. I'm off school for two weeks! I still have all your stuff! :)And I have two gift cards to Starbucks from students so I'm set for a while for coffee. (decaf of course!)
Oh my!!!! I can't imagine that! I get so irritated at the slightest, I can't imagine adding unstoppable itching to that! You poor thing!
Hey I found your blog and I had PUPPS too!!!!!! I got it at 28 weeks, it was so miserable NOTHING helped at all!!!!!!!!! They induced me right aat 36 weeks bc of it, dud yours go away right after delivery? Mine got alot better but wasn't totally gone until Brody was 5 weeks!
your little girl is soooo adorable!!!!!!
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