I have the best family. My mom & sisters are throwing me a shower. Here is the invitation that my older sister made.... isnt she talented? If you havent gotten your invitation in the mail by next week let me know so I can make sure we had the right address.... otherwise, enjoy this copy. :) When I hear from someone that they have already made plans to be at the shower it literally makes me cry. I realized when I was making my invite list that I have lost touch with so many people. This is my fault... somewhere along the lines I let too much time pass between phone calls and emails and now I feel an overwhelming guilt. In highschool I was very involved and very connected with my friends. As I have gotten older I have withdrawn myself, and I am not sure why. I can count on one hand ( and not even a full hand) the amount of people I talk to each week without fail. I dont feel like I deserve anything from anyone, I should have made more of an effort..... so when someone makes an effort to support me and Blakely it touches my heart. * See, I'm crying again. (So many hormones in this body of mine)
Hope Julie doesnt kill me for posting the invite before it arrives in peoples mailboxes. I just love it though. It matches the decor in Blakely's room and I think it's adorable! Julie is going to make my birth announcements too. (right Julie?!)

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