Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday, Fun day

Sunday morning Milo and I decided to go to Fellowship church in Grapevine for the late (11:30am) service. We really enjoyed Ed Young & the Praise & Worship music. I think we finally found a church that we both agree on. We checked out the nursery area and were pleased with how clean & organzied they seemed. We didnt bring Blakely with us this week, because we wanted to get aquainted with the church and check out the nursery first. We will take her with us next week so she can make some new friends. Maybe she will check out some of the other kids doing this "rollover thing" and decide she wants to try it.

After church the weather was nice for a lil' walk to the park. We put some leg warmers on Blakely and we were out the door. She had been fussy, but once we walked outside she was very content. Speaking of Blakely... she has officially outgrown her rolling bassinett, and her pack n' play bassinett. She slept at the bottom of the pack n' play for the past 2 nights. We are going to transition her slowly into her big girl bed.

Now onto my 42 day challenge news......
The challenge started today, here is our team! I sat down last night and made my jar and cheat eat tokens. I decided to put a little effort into it, so I would take it more seriously. I will post pics of my tokens later. Here is a sneek peak for now.


Anonymous said...

Look at you go with the tokens!!

Loren Linn Webb said...

Stephen and I go to Fellowship. We serve in the 10:00 service and go to the 11:30 service. Maybe Blakely can be in the nursery with me one day. Look for me on Sunday !!

J.B.L said...

We have the angel care monitor and we sleep better because of it. It took some tweaking to get the settings just right and there were several false alarms in the beginning so be prepared but I don't know what I would do without that peace of mind. Both boys slept through the night at a few weeks and transitioned to their beds very early so we needed that extra comfort it offers! Hope you love it as well.

annalee said...

she is so stinkin' cute!

Karen said...

She'll learn to roll over soon enough! All kids develop at such different rates. My oldest walked at 10 months. My middle child crawled at 10 months and walked at 16 months. Can you tell that today at age 6 years and 9 1/2 years? Nope! Just remember that those books give you a RANGE for their developmental milestones, not anything definite! Blakely will do it, no worries!
I don't know if I have commented on your blog before or not, but Blakely is a cutie pie.
Karen (Teacher Janet's sister)

Brooke & Freeland said...

Hey karen! I just wanted to say thanks for your sweet comment on our blog the other day! You and your little family are precious! And your pictures are soo cute too! Glad to find another blog! Hope you have a great week. Good luck with the 42 day challenge! Cant wait to read more updates! Brooke