My sister and her boys were at Walmart last night (that's about all Crossett, Arkanasas has to offer) and they saw some cute summer dresses w/bloomers for less than $5!!! Julie let each of her boys pick out Blakely a dress... isnt that sweet & adorable?! The boys called me and were so excited about the dresses they picked (especially Carson). I got these pictures via email last night.

I may not have girls, but my BOYS know how to shop and they LOVE to shop!!! ;) Their wife is going to thank me one day!
I wish you could have seen them picking out these dresses. So precious.
thats cute! And I like her high chair in the last entry...I guess I need to get Brylee's out...didn't think she could do it yet, but looks like she can!
Hope its ok we copied the bluebonnet idea :) Super cute
We went right by our house on 360. Between our house and target. There is a spot to park too...if you need me to help take pictures I can...I am close!
I saw Blakely in so so adorable!! Email: :)
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