My friend Danielle who is 9 days PAST her due date is getting induced tomorrow. She checks into the hospital tonight around 8pm. Everyone be thinking of her & saying a prayer for her and her baby. She really wanted to go into labor naturally, so we are still crossing our fingers for her that she will have some sort of "movement" take place on her own today before she checks in. I am going to go to the hospital BRIGHT & EARLY tomorrow morning so that I can blog her labor & delivery details to her friends and family that will either be stuck at work or are out of the city and cant be there. I'm so thrilled that I get this opportunity to help create something that will be memorable for their family and also help family & friends that aren't there physically feel involved in the process.
Giving birth was the best moment of my life. I will NEVER forget opening my eyes and seeing Blakely's lil' feet sticking up in the air. If anyone else wants to follow along on her journey tomorrow, check out her blog for updates. :) They are waiting to find out the sex of the baby... so this should be extra special for her blog readers... I will get the joy of helping announce not only the birth of their baby, but whether or not they will be having a baby girl or baby boy.
I'm so thrilled for her, I can hardly stand it. I keep telling her I am living vicariously thru her tomorrow.

Danielle @ 36 weeks
1 comment:
Karen, I can't tell you how grateful I am that you are going to do this for us!!! There are not enough words! You have been so helpful already with advice, and pointers, and I haven't even had the baby yet! Just think, soon our babies will be able to play together! I'm so excited to have you there tomorrow, and so excited to meet our baby! THANK YOU!
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