Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Supervision required..

Yesterday Blakely was at home with me all day while I was working. Several times during the day I have to run to the next room to take a call, so I will usually leave her in the pack n' play or laying down on my bed. Yesterday she was sitting in the boppy (her favorite spot) and the phone rang. When I left the room she was sitting very ladylike with her legs crossed and her dress was nice and neat. When I came back a few minutes later (maybe 2 minutes, max!) this is what I found.....

Blakely had slid all the way down, lifted her skirt up, kicked off a sock (it was on the complete other side of her) and had bubbles / spit all over her face. When I left the room, I left a sweet little proper lady... when I got back... umm.. not so much.

Blakely had Brylee over last night to watch the bachelor finale.... look how big Blakely has gotten... she has caught up with Brylee. (excuse the quality of the shot, I was trying to take a quick shot and wasnt aiming.
Blakely - almost 2 months, Brylee - a little over 3 months.

This is a picture of the girls together when Blakely was almost 2 weeks old. (not the most flattering picture of my child. :) )


Anonymous said...

Have you ever considered getting a quality hands-free phone/mike headset? I know working moms who swear by them.

Karen said...

Milo says he needs to buy me one... they are sorta pricey! It's on my wish list. :)

Anonymous said...

If you are having trouble I know a great home in Arkansas that needs a little baby girl ... I can't believe she is left alone even for a second ... I would never do that to my boys ... lol Brian