Today while Scott was watching Blakely she just started crying real hard, he couldnt calm her down so I had to go out there to check on them. Let me say first that Scott was doing everything that you would need to do to calm down a baby... she was just not having it. After I came and got her from him she calmed down then eventually fell asleep. I chalked this up to a fluke thing. Fast forward to tonight. For my birthday I treated myself to the first book in the now famous series, Twilight. I asked Milo if I could just have some ME time tonight to relax, take a bath, & read a little. Milo of course said that was fine and he would take care of putting Blakely to bed. 5 minutes after I got in the bath tub I could hear her screaming. Milo couldnt soothe her, so I got out to go check on them. Guess who calmed down the moment their mom held them..... yep. I think Blakely has developed a case of seperation anxiety. This is so bittersweet.... I love my daughter more than anything and am so blessed I have her. However, 30 minutes ALONE never seemed so unatainable as it does now.
Did she have a bow in her hair in her moments of need? If not that could have been the problem not that she was wanting her mom. :) Just sayin! LOL!
I don't plan on it anytime soon, maybe in a year or two. We want to be married for a bit BUT you never know, God always has managed to surprise some folks :)
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