I decided to try out the bumbo chair today and Blakely seemed to like it. She still isnt holding her head up on her own that great. The doctor said it's probably because "she has a large head, and it's heavy." Yes folks, my child's head size is in the 90th percentile. She got that from her father. When he had a motorcycle (keyword there was HAD) his helmet size was an XXL or something crazy like that. Luckily for Blakely she also got some of his tan, as you can see in the picture above.
*edit* So it's Bumbo not bumpo... so sorry.
Karen she is beautiful! I can't believe how much she has changed...she is growing so fast!
Have a good week-take care!!
Oh my goodness Karen your child is beautiful! I love those little bumbo chairs too!
I have never noticed that her head was big and I still don't see it. I think it's just the right size for her body.
My sister loves her bumbo seat and highly recommended it for me so I'll definitely be getting one. (how dare you misspell that, sheesh!) I love the pic, she's adorable.
I did get your message on facebook but I was on another page at the time dealing with a work email. I would love to meet with you and Robin and make bows AND see Blakely! That would be so much fun. We have spring break next week so if Robin has it as well maybe we can meet sometime next week. Look forward to it!
Shane calls it a Koozie for your Kid, LOL! It's the perfect description!
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