Monday, February 16, 2009


As most of you know I work full time and am a mom full time... the two of these dont mix very well. Both my job and Blakely require 100% of my attention, to give them 50% is just not fair to either. We talked with my brother about possibly watching her from maybe 11am or 12 - 5pm each day, but I dont think that is going to pan out. I liked the idea of him watching her because he could watch her from my house but now we are having to consider different options. If anyone knows of someone GREAT that you would trust the most important thing in your life with then let me know. I'm just playing around with ideas... so email me if you know of anyone.


Anonymous said...

Kay Brooks to the rescue!!!!!! :)

Danielly said...

I have an idea! YOU become a FT sitter. I know of 2 more newborns in the area that could use a FT sitter. :) Seriously, though I don't know of anyone in the area, not any I'd trust anyways. OMG - can you imagine - 3 at a time?!