Blakely is now 1 month old. Time has FLOWN by. I have enjoyed this past month and all the growing pains that have come along with it.

In the past month I have learned several things...
- If my daughter cries she either has a wet/dirty diaper, is hungry, has gas, or wants to be picked up.... each one has a different cry. Anyone that knows Blakely knows the warning cry she gives out when she wants to be picked up. :)
- If I dont swaddle her before I put her down to bed she will wake herself up by having an impromptu boxing match with the air. (this ALWAYS wakes her up)
- Blakely always kicks her right sock off. We spend half our days hunting down her sock. I think I could glue it to her foot and she would find a way to kick it back off. (She gets this from her dad. Every morning he wakes up with only one sock on. EVERY morning!)
- From the time I hear her stirring in her crib I have exactly one minute to have a bottle ready to go before she starts crying.
- Always have a diaper under the diaper I'm changing... if not Blakely will pee on whatever surface I'm changing her on. Never Fails!
- Only cut or file her nails when she is asleep. :)
- She always toots when she stretches. This is a combo deal. Stretch - Toot - Stretch - Toot.
- If Blakely has gas or an upset tummy, if I push her legs to her chest she feels much better (this releases any "air" inside her tummy, and cracks Milo and I up)
- Blakely likes her Avent clear pacifier... if you try to give her another she knows and will spit it out. (although, I think her "Blakely" pacifiers are SLOWLY growing on her.
- She LOVES LOVES LOVES it when I sing 'My Idea of Heaven' by Leigh Nash to her. She will, without fail, fall asleep during the song. This is the only song that puts her straight to sleep.
- If she is asleep and you take her to a dark room she will wake up. Every time. You have to let her fall asleep in your arms in a dark room in order to put her to bed and keep her asleep.
- If I put 5 diapers and 5 bottles next to my bed each night I can sleep until 10am and not have to leave the room.
- If you put the boppy pillow inside her rolling basinett she will sit and watch me work on the computer contently... unless I try to make a business call. Once I pick up the phone there is a radar that goes off in her head that triggers her cry. Seriously.
- The car puts her to sleep instantly, but the moment we stop she is wide awake!
The list goes on and on....
Here are some pics from her 1 month photo shoot with her dad.

Nonnie & Blakely just happened to match, so they needed a photo together.

This was Blakely's way of saying "I'm DONE!"

Cute blog. So many of those things are true here too! Thats funny. She is getting so much bigger I cant believe it! Time is flying for them both....kinda sad they grow up so fast. Love her outfit!
I love the pictures!!! I can't wait to hold her Thursday!!!
wow, one month already! blakely is absolutely precious!
So cute !! I laughed out loud at the one that said strech, toot, stretch, toot, stretch. Ha Ha.
Now - THOSE are some cute cute pictures! I love the pink chair and the pics of her w/ the big stuffed animal! I love the post too - that's something that would go in a scrapbook. Something to keep, for sure! You don't think about remembering all the little things you experience. That's sweet!
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