Monday, February 9, 2009

1 Month

Blakely is now 1 month old. Time has FLOWN by. I have enjoyed this past month and all the growing pains that have come along with it.

In the past month I have learned several things...
- If my daughter cries she either has a wet/dirty diaper, is hungry, has gas, or wants to be picked up.... each one has a different cry. Anyone that knows Blakely knows the warning cry she gives out when she wants to be picked up. :)
- If I dont swaddle her before I put her down to bed she will wake herself up by having an impromptu boxing match with the air. (this ALWAYS wakes her up)
- Blakely always kicks her right sock off. We spend half our days hunting down her sock. I think I could glue it to her foot and she would find a way to kick it back off. (She gets this from her dad. Every morning he wakes up with only one sock on. EVERY morning!)
- From the time I hear her stirring in her crib I have exactly one minute to have a bottle ready to go before she starts crying.
- Always have a diaper under the diaper I'm changing... if not Blakely will pee on whatever surface I'm changing her on. Never Fails!
- Only cut or file her nails when she is asleep. :)
- She always toots when she stretches. This is a combo deal. Stretch - Toot - Stretch - Toot.
- If Blakely has gas or an upset tummy, if I push her legs to her chest she feels much better (this releases any "air" inside her tummy, and cracks Milo and I up)
- Blakely likes her Avent clear pacifier... if you try to give her another she knows and will spit it out. (although, I think her "Blakely" pacifiers are SLOWLY growing on her.
- She LOVES LOVES LOVES it when I sing 'My Idea of Heaven' by Leigh Nash to her. She will, without fail, fall asleep during the song. This is the only song that puts her straight to sleep.
- If she is asleep and you take her to a dark room she will wake up. Every time. You have to let her fall asleep in your arms in a dark room in order to put her to bed and keep her asleep.
- If I put 5 diapers and 5 bottles next to my bed each night I can sleep until 10am and not have to leave the room.
- If you put the boppy pillow inside her rolling basinett she will sit and watch me work on the computer contently... unless I try to make a business call. Once I pick up the phone there is a radar that goes off in her head that triggers her cry. Seriously.
- The car puts her to sleep instantly, but the moment we stop she is wide awake!

The list goes on and on....

Here are some pics from her 1 month photo shoot with her dad.

Nonnie & Blakely just happened to match, so they needed a photo together.

This was Blakely's way of saying "I'm DONE!"


Anonymous said...

Cute blog. So many of those things are true here too! Thats funny. She is getting so much bigger I cant believe it! Time is flying for them both....kinda sad they grow up so fast. Love her outfit!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures!!! I can't wait to hold her Thursday!!!

Summer said...

wow, one month already! blakely is absolutely precious!

Loren Linn Webb said...

So cute !! I laughed out loud at the one that said strech, toot, stretch, toot, stretch. Ha Ha.

Danielly said...

Now - THOSE are some cute cute pictures! I love the pink chair and the pics of her w/ the big stuffed animal! I love the post too - that's something that would go in a scrapbook. Something to keep, for sure! You don't think about remembering all the little things you experience. That's sweet!